Hi! I’m Brooke.
I am a trained Financial Coach. I’m passionate about helping people reach their financial goals and find financial freedom. I have seen firsthand how smart financial practices have changed my life and I am confident that it can do the same for others.
Below are some interesting financial statistics for people in the United States:
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck
7 out of 10 couples don’t budget consistently
66% of people could not afford an $1000 emergency
The average consumer debt per person is $34,055
One in five Americans with a credit card have maxed it out and one in four Americans with debt are in collections for at least one of their debts.
Though Americans name investing as their top financial goal, 42% are not currently saving for retirement and majority of those who are saving are not saving enough to maintain a similar lifestyle in retirement.
If you find yourself identifying with one or more of these statistics above, you are not alone. I know I have at different times in my life. There is absolutely NO shame or judgement when it comes to your financial journey. But I will say that where you are now does not have to determine your future. I believe these statistics are due to the fact that many people have never been given the information, tools, and guidance needed for them to succeed financially. I know I wasn’t until I took a course as a mid-twenty year old. This course is what changed my financial future and ignited my passion to help people with their finances and eventually become a Financial Coach.
A Financial Coach is someone who helps you create and reach financial goals so you are not just dreaming about financial freedom—you’re experiencing it. Financial Coaching is different from any other finance-related job. A CPA does your taxes. A Financial Advisor manages your investments. But Financial Coaches works with you to create a start-to-finish plan for your money and help keep you on track.
Financial Coaches often work with their clients over several sessions—and focus specifically on your financial situation and needs. They can work with you on fine-tuning your budget, paying off debt, discovering your long-term goals, helping you navigate a financial crisis, and developing a plan for building wealth. No matter the situation, Financial Coaches work with you one-on-one to help you overcome the challenges and reach goals that are unique to you and your financial journey.
It has been said that personal finance is 20% knowledge and 80% behavior. Financial Coaches help you identify negative behaviors related to finance and support you in implementing positive financial behaviors so you can find Financial Freedom.
Financial Freedom can mean something different for each person. What does it look like for you? Maybe it looks something like this:
Freedom to give abundantly and generously to those in need
Freedom to change careers to something you enjoy and love without having to worry about money
Freedom to travel internationally every year without it adding to your debt or effecting your budget
Freedom to pay cash for a new car
Freedom to send your kids to college without racking up thousands of dollars in student loan debt
Freedom to retire when you want rather than being forced to work into your late 60s and beyond
Having financial freedom means that you get to make both big and small life decisions without being burdened by the financial impact—because you are prepared and you have a plan. You control your finances instead of your finances controlling you.
The path to financial freedom isn’t a get-rich-quick strategy. And financial freedom doesn’t mean that you’re “free” of the responsibility of handling your money well. Quite the opposite. Having complete control over your finances is the fruit of hard work, sacrifice and time. And all of that effort is worth it!